
Showing posts from October 2, 2019

Damn Ghosts

It's appropriate that the manifestation of ghost stuff didn't really happen until October hit. When Joseph went through the house, he didn't like the basement. I spent some time down there cleaning, and talked with the entity, explaining that I was going to fix up the home and it was gonna be nice. I pulled down makeshift walls, cleaned and swept, and it's really a cheerful place down there now. I like going down there. When the furnace guys were working a couple of days ago in the basement, they were joking and told me I had a great house. We made peace down there, and all is good. Main floor is neutral ,but the first few days here I passed the staircase like it didn't exist. There was an odd "psychic barrier" at the entrance of the staircase that made me ignore it. I caught myself, after about 3 days, thinking  "is there an upstairs?" which made me realize that something odd was amiss. I spent one evening downstairs, blessing and visualiz...