What if you only had eleven days left?

Yes, you're reading this correctly. The freezer is a balmy 72°. If you were a refrigerator and only had 11 days left to spend with moi, what would you do? Attempt suicide? It's on life support. Read online that it may be the fan motor, so I ordered one and installed it. Nope. The service doctor pays a visit on Tuesday. Quite frankly, I'm touched it doesn't want to live without me. My mind is screaming HURRY AND PACK IT ALL NOW YOURE RUNNING OUT OF TIME and then you find Max's brush. With his silver schnauzer hair. You remember Gae and Greg H and Greg K and Bradley and JayJeremy loving you when the vet put him down, right there on the floor where you're sitting. No hurry anymore, just cry for awhile. This is how long I've been in Kansas City. Didn't know what to do after college, followed Greg Hugeback here, got a job and an apartment. Then, better jobs, two houses, two major relationships, some damn wonderful friends—so why...