'twas the day before closing

I have an hour before I have to go pick up the U-Haul truck & trailer and wanted to write a bit before I disassembled the computer. At that point I'll truly be a nomad. Everything is packed and wrapped up in boxes. I really did hold each item to determine if it made it on the next leg of my life's journey. Most things didn't make it (if you were Pex water tubing or a tool, you had a free pass) but I found good homes for most everything else. Greg and I had a big garage sale in June, and I invited anyone who ever gave me anything the night before for a "preview" sale. That meant I gave them a big Ikea rainbow bag and let them take whatever they wanted, including the wonderful, amazing gifts they'd given me throughout the years that didn't make the cut to Spokane. That was a happy night. My flashes of "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" are happening less and less, and I'm understanding that the Universe really, really wants me t...