Damn Ghosts

It's appropriate that the manifestation of ghost stuff didn't really happen until October hit.

When Joseph went through the house, he didn't like the basement. I spent some time down there cleaning, and talked with the entity, explaining that I was going to fix up the home and it was gonna be nice. I pulled down makeshift walls, cleaned and swept, and it's really a cheerful place down there now. I like going down there. When the furnace guys were working a couple of days ago in the basement, they were joking and told me I had a great house. We made peace down there, and all is good.

Main floor is neutral ,but the first few days here I passed the staircase like it didn't exist. There was an odd "psychic barrier" at the entrance of the staircase that made me ignore it. I caught myself, after about 3 days, thinking  "is there an upstairs?" which made me realize that something odd was amiss.

I spent one evening downstairs, blessing and visualizing the house filled with light and love, and for a few days the upstairs was a part of our world, the dogs and I going up and down, measuring windows, everything in harmony.

Tonight, the cloud returned. I was playing with Murray in the kitchen, dancing, laughing as he was pulling at my socks, and this heavy presence surrounded us, making me feel like I wasn't supposed to be doing that in the kitchen. It has returned.

So I had a discussion, asking for Higher Help to turn the negative to positive. Told the presence that nothing was allowed to scare myself, guests or the dogs. That love was the guiding presence here.

We're currently living in the dining room. A desk with a computer, a bed, and a rack of clothes jammed into a corner. Got a glass of wine, sat down to look at the news on the computer, and a very secure rack of clothing was pushed over, inches away from us.


Now, noises upstairs, no big deal, but I wasn't planning on having to deal with a damned ghost on top of a rotting bathroom floor and nicotine coated walls.

Everything is at peace now. But sleeping with the lights on.


  1. Damn those ghosts. Your dogs will chase them away!

  2. Sending you all the good joojoo to move that jerk away.

  3. I wonder what your ghost(s) want(s)? Must be something. If you can figure that out (easier said than done...) maybe you can bring he/she/it some peace. In the words of “The Boss of the Walk” (that’s what my daughter calls Micheal Lintecum), “Carry on!”


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