4 years older. The new home I've purchased versus the one I'm living in now. It's on North Addison Street, centrally located, close to downtown, and a total dump. And I'm loving every second of it. Think the only thing I'll be able to salvage is the hot water heater, studs, some of the original flooring and exterior. For the past two nights I've woken up, multiple times either screaming "what the fuck are you doing" or "if you combined the dining room and kitchen you could have an awesome party". That pretty much describes the past few sleepless nights. The decision to move from a place that I've known all of my adult life to a city that I've only visited three times is complex. I've noticed that I've been pulling away from my friends in KC to prepare for the shift; they know, they understand, but I feel a little guilty for shifting inward to keep me from an emotional chasm when I get into the truck and drive away le...